Delivered from the printer: 20 Apr 1867
Printed in single sheet of 100 (A)
Sheets printed: 10.000
Printing serie: 1
Comb perforation: 13 x 12 1/2.
Color: Violet
Printing quality: Sharp printing
Paper: White
Watermark: Crown II
Web-site for the study group at Copenhagen Philatelic Club
(Kjøbenhavns Philatelist Klub - KPK)
Delivered from the printer: 20 Apr 1867
Printed in single sheet of 100 (A)
Sheets printed: 10.000
Printing serie: 1
Comb perforation: 13 x 12 1/2.
Color: Violet
Printing quality: Sharp printing
Paper: White
Watermark: Crown II